It is a great time to do maintenance on a home electrical system. The electrical system is a home is one of the most used, but commonly forgotten system when it comes to maintenance. 

But, at AGK Electric, we have seen customers who could have avoided bad situations when inclement weather hits by doing a little maintenance to their systems. So, we want to help your family avoid those same situations.
4 areas of the electrical system that need maintenance are:
- The Break Box: The breaker box is like the brain of the entire electrical system. Thus, it is important to check in on its performance. When checking the breaker box, it is important to make sure all of the fuses are working correctly. Warning: if this is something you are not sure how to do, call an electrician!
- Circuit Breaker: Every aspect of a machine needs to be tested before use. In the cold, winter months, there is a good chance that a Raleigh home will need to have the circuit breaker flipped. So, check and make sure the circuit breaker can be turned on and off now.
- Home Lighting: Outdoor will have the most exposure over the upcoming months, but it isn’t a bad idea to check both indoor and outdoor lights. Ensure that the lights are working properly, not flickering or burning out. Remember, flickering can indicate a much larger problem.
- Electrical Panels: Make sure all electrical panels and switches are working properly. Leave all on for 30 minutes and come back to check to ensure the panels aren’t hot to the touch.
Many homeowners don’t understand how to do all four maintenance tasks on the list above and that’s okay! If anything seems difficult about your electrical system, it’s because you aren’t an electrician in Raleigh. But, if you want to make sure that your home’s electrical system is ready for the winter, our team at AGK Electric would love to help with maintenance! Simply give us a call today at 919-740-5432.