With home construction, renovations, and severe weather, spring is a time for homeowners to make sure the electricity in their home is working properly. Nothing is more frustrating than flipping the switch and being in the dark. Also, another frustration is when wired switches cause the wrong action to occur. Yikes! AGK Electric has compiled a list of the most common electrical projects that they see during the springtime.
4 common electrical projects for the spring are:
- Breaker Box Repair: Homes have breaker boxes that may have been installed incorrectly, lack labels, or are a jumbled mess. When an area of the home blows a fuse, do not go through the hassle of figuring out which switch is which. Call an electrician to come in and fix your breaker box with the proper room/machinery labels.
- Outlet Updates: Definitely call an electrician for this one. This could be a fire hazard. Smoking outlets are caused by improper wire conductivity or an overload of appliances plugged into one outlet.
- Exposed Wires: Some old homes that have been renovated may have live wires that lead to nowhere or serve no purpose. Also, there is a chance that animals may have chewed through wires causing the switch to lack a purpose. New electricity in the home helps prevent fire hazards.
- Adding Outlets: Many kitchen renovations include island installation. Consider calling an electrician to run wires to have outlets on your island. This makes a work from home experience easier if you do not have to have chargers strung from kitchen counters to an island.
AGK Electric has served the Triangle for over 30 years. Located in Cary, NC, we are a family-owned and operated business aimed at serving customers with electrical problems and installations. Contact us today!